More Good Humans Resources

Heather Arthur is a dynamic speaker and podcaster who delivers inspiration and insightful information to all.  The resources within this website are updated frequently, so please come back often!

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132: Be Bold & The How Will Show Up!

Don’t get caught in the trap of not knowing “HOW” to achieve your goals. Instead take action and the “how” will show up. Often we get stuck on the outcome we think we want, and miss the rich lessons available to us in the process. In this…

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Get Ready to Say YES
to all of the Scary Sh*t!

In this vibrant podcast, Heather and John explore leadership, personal development and growth ideas and opportunities that will bring positive change to your professional and personal life in this vibrant podcast.

Their mission? To create a global movement encouraging and supporting 1,000,000 people to Say YES to all the scary sh*t!

Why? Because when you say YES, you open new paths and create new opportunities.

Listen on your favourite App!

About Heather Arthur, Founder of More Good Humans

Throughout her executive career, running large organizational and service/sales teams, Heather has witnessed firsthand that one of the biggest factors in any organization's long-term success is focusing on the people and the leaders within. As a certified Neuro-linguistics practitioner, coach and trainer, Heather has guided hundreds of individuals through workshops worldwide, making it possible for participants to achieve their highest potential in life and business.

Heather is a fan of breaking the rules or (at least) bending them a little, and she is often seen working in her Supergirl cape, planning bold and exciting new ideas and helping others uncover their superpowers.

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