2022 Empowered Women Award IAOTP | 2020 Top VP Communications IAOTP | Executive Coach | International Keynote Speaker | Podcast Host | Passionate about corporate culture

Originally published on March 2, 2023 via LinkedIn

As women, we face unique challenges and obstacles in our personal and professional lives. However, one of the most powerful tools we have for overcoming these challenges is each other. Women supporting women is crucial for creating a supportive work culture that promotes us stepping into our own unique talents and abilities. 

Recent studies have shown that when women support each other in the workplace, everyone benefits. Companies with gender diversity have been found to be more profitable and innovative, with a Harvard Business Review study reporting that companies with the highest representation of women in top management positions had a return on equity of 15.7%, compared to 10.3% for those with the lowest representation.

In addition to the economic benefits, women supporting women also has a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being. A study by LeanIn.org found that women who have a strong support network at work are more likely to feel confident and satisfied in their careers, and less likely to experience burnout or impostor syndrome.

Despite the numerous benefits, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions and continue to face discrimination and bias. This is why it is so important for us to lift each other up and create a culture of support and encouragement.

Building a culture of support and encouragement takes commitment, and it can start with small steps taken every day. Here are five things you can do to show your support for the women in your life:

  1.  Offer words of Encouragement:A kind word or compliment can go a long way in boosting someone’s confidence and motivation. Take the time to recognize and acknowledge the accomplishments and strengths of the women around you.
  2. Be a Role Model: One of the ways women can support each other is by serving as mentors and role models. By sharing our experiences and offering guidance, we can help other women navigate the challenges we have faced and give them the tools they need to succeed.
  3. Share your Own Experiences: Sharing your own experiences can help others feel less alone and more supported. Offer your own insights and advice to help others navigate their own challenges. Be there for other women who share their experiences too.
  4. Support Women-led Businesses and Initiatives: By supporting women-led businesses and initiatives, you can help others seek out opportunities to invest in women-owned businesses and support organizations that empower women.
  5. Advocate for Policies and initiatives that Support Women: such as flexible work arrangements, equal pay, and programs for training and mentorship. By working together to create a more inclusive and equitable world, we can help ensure that all women have the opportunity to thrive.

Women supporting women is good for business in so many ways, so find your own unique way to be part of the solution so that we can empower each other and work towards a brighter future for all.