128: I am Capable I am Resilient

Have you ever wondered what can to do to get unstuck? The fastest way is to get curious about your internal language and explore what you may be saying to yourself as part of a story or a pattern. Our self-talk can be one of the most powerful tools to…

127: Who’s Responsibility Is It?

When it comes to your career, who is responsible for taking action and elevating your leadership skills? It’s not your boss or your company that is responsible; it’s YOU! The key to moving to the next level in your career is to be clear about the…

126: Pickleball and Presence

When was the last time you learned something new? When you are learning something new you are instantly activating the power of presence. In this episode, we explore how learning to play pickleball can teach you to be a strong leader on and off the…

125: Are You an Accidental Diminisher?

We have all had leaders who did not know how to get the best out of us. On the flip side, if you have ever worked for someone who is a multiplier, then you have experienced being in the presence of someone who helps you be the better version of…