Work with More Good Humans

We know that the easiest way for humans to unlock their full potential is to make decisions and take action that will create the most value.

At More Good Humans, our programs are designed to activate your best way of thinking so that you can play more of your “A” Game and less of your “B” Game.

Imagine activating your best way of thinking: what will it do to your career, relationships, stress levels, finances and business results? To level up in all areas we need to focus on becoming value-generating leaders, we need to build More Good Humans.

Our programs are designed to be the bridge between people and results, we start where you are right now, align your thinking and actions to exceed your goals.

Ways we can work together…

Personal transformation

Three (3) different programs to unleash the power in YOU.

  • Six (6) Week Goal Sprints
  • 6-month private coaching
  • Self-leadership Program (8 Sessions).

Designed to achieve your goals faster than ever before. Accountability and action have never been this fun!

Corporate Transformation

Designed for C-Suite and People Leaders

Change starts at the top, so if you want to activate the power of your teams, learn how to activate the power of your executive leadership team first.

Crush your KPIs through the power of your people and create a culture of More Good Humans.

Team Transformation

Bring the power of thinking and results to your teams. Strengthen your teams so they can thrive and exceed their goals today. We customize team workshop programs to match your needs. Some of our signature programs are:

  • Leadership Performance and Goal Setting
  • A Culture Supporting Employee Engagement
  • Confident Communication
  • Linking Employee Experience to Performance
  • Powerful Language Equals Powerful Results

Keynotes & Workshops

Keynotes and Workshops that will inspire More Good Humans to Take Action.

At More Good Humans, we love talking about everything that drives human performance and connection.

Want to elevate your team’s leadership game and impact? Then bring More Good Humans in to work with your teams. We facilitate sessions from a one-hour keynote to full-day workshops customized to your organization’s climate and needs. Topics we love to explore with you include:

  • Linking Thinking to Results
  • Master Your Mindset, Master Your Life
  • Jumpstart your Leadership Today (For new emerging talent)
  • Mastery and Momentum Mindset
  • Become a Confident Communicator
  • 8 Steps to Expand Your Comfort Zone
  • Building Magnetic Cultures

Don’t see a topic listed, just send us an inquiry, and we can customize a presentation and experience based on your needs.

What you can expect when working with More Good Humans

Creating lasting change with solutions that will help your company achieve your goals and impact the bottom line with personal and professional business coaching, training, development, tools, data, and insights.
The goal, More Good Humans in every company.

The biggest action you can take to elevate your business results is to invest in creating a culture where More GOOD Humans can do More GOOD work.

The secret sauce to activating More Good Humans is to create a culture where they feel seen, heard and passionate about the problems they are solving for the business and your customers.

Unlock the hidden potential in yourself and your team today.

The secret formula to

activating More Good Humans

STEP 1: Clarity

In the first step, we will assess and review your current situation to gain clarity for the next steps.

  • Where are you right now?
  • Where are you going?
  • What is holding back?
  • Explore limiting beliefs


Step 3: Take Action

Action is the step everyone wants to jump to, but one that can’t be rushed! Getting here requires focus and dedication to the first two steps.

  • Create a plan
  • Break down your bigger goal into smaller goals with timelines
  • Do the work and pivot as needed

STEP 2: Empowerment

Once we have clarity on where you are at, we will empower you through multiple techniques to:

  • Learn how to activate your “A” Game Thinking
  • Learn how to get curious about the bias that is holding you back
  • Learn the questions to ask yourself to level up
  • Take inventory of ways to take action and visualize success

STEP 4: Make Change Stick

In step four, we review and celebrate your learnings and how you have put them into practice:

  • Apply new lessons
  • Measure milestones & celebrate successes
  • Sustain change through measurable actions
  • Celebrate the adoption and sustainment of the new learnings and results

increase in self-trust, confidence

I had no idea until I worked with Heather how big of an impact not letting go of beliefs and old ways of thinking was having on my success. In the very first session with Heather, she helped me unblock areas that were no longer serving me and create a path forward. The immediate outcome has been an increase in self-trust, confidence, and my ability to make a greater impact in my business. I highly recommend Heather if you are a leader who knows they can do more in life. Heather is your secret weapon to level up your business and your life.  - Josh Leslie, Founder of Stewardly

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched,

Wow, working with Heather as a co-facilitator for the ThinQSalon program turned out to be amazing. At first, when the notion was simply a glimmer of an idea it seemed risky. However, the idea to develop a learning opportunity where millionaire business owners could advance their businesses turned out to be a gathering that nobody wanted to miss.

High NPS scores and numerous participants praising the programme as impactful and one of the best events they have attended let us know it was a success.

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched, and her dedication to the core values of the program is evident in everything she does. It was a pleasure working with Heather and I highly recommend you work with her if you want to level up your mindset and your business. - Alan Smith, Co-Founder, Strategyzer

I was able to crush my goals

I had the opportunity to participate in the ThinqSalon – a 6-week sprint towards my goals and what an incredible experience. Not only was I able to crush my goals, but I did it with an incredible community of entrepreneurs. It was truly inspiring to be part of this group, and can’t wait for the next six-week sprint to begin! - Kristina Cleary, Founder + Chief Leadership Coach, ACCELLE

thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action

So many stars have aligned since our Masterclass and I just wanted to thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action (even though I had no idea what that looked like). I am still experiencing so many 'connection' and 'ah-ha' moments which I don't know why but it still surprises me. I'm excited to begin a new chapter at work with a recent promotion and continue to increase my belief in myself and welcome all the abundance and money coming my way. Your support and energy made all the difference. - Janice Do Rego, Applications Manager

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