Change your life by saying YES, to all of the scary sh*t!

About the Say YES Movement Podcast

The Say YES podcast and 3x weekly live LinkedIn show serves only one purpose: to challenge you to say YES to all the stuff that scares you.

When you say YES you open doors and opportunities you didn’t know you had. You can get clarity on the next steps and achieve goals you didn’t even dream were possible.

Hosts Heather Arthur and John Riberio are both certified neuro-linguistic master coaches who share their personal experiences and invite other leaders who have said yes to share their stories in this powerful podcast.

Together we can shift our mindset to shift our lives and business. Listen to the podcast by following the “Say YES Movement” available on all listening platforms.

Expertise: Executive Coaching · Training & Development · Leadership Development · Communication · Public Speaking

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New Episodes 3x Week

Live Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:40 am (EST)

To learn more about the Podcast, or to join live during the week, visit Heather or John‘s LinkedIn page.

Recent Episodes We thought you might enjoy…

It’s ok to not be ok

Some days we don’t feel our best, but there are things we can do to activate the best version of ourselves, including having routines and habits that guarantee success. The first step is to be kind to yourself, those automatic negative thoughts happen to everyone, but they don’t have to live in your head for long. In this episode, we review the process of creating habits and rituals to ensure we don’t need motivation to be successful. Instead, we lean on our systems to drive results.

May 2023    |    21 min

Want more confidence? Practice, practice, practice…

Ever feel nervous speaking up in a meeting or presenting your ideas? Want to know how to increase your confidence in speaking? The answer comes down to knowing the impact you want to make on your audience, and the second is practice, practice, practice. You can incorporate speaking practice into your daily routine in many ways.
Try reading out loud, recording yourself speaking, and sending video messages to your team and friends. In this episode, we explore some tactics that will help you feel more confident in sharing your ideas and speaking confidently.

April 2023   |    21 min

Imposter Syndrome is Real – So What?

Imposter syndrome is real and can appear anytime, making us want to hide. So what is imposter syndrome, and what do we do when it shows its ugly head?
Imposter syndrome describes having trouble recognizing our skills, achievements and successes. When it shows up, recognize your feelings of not being good enough and instead step into the fear and vulnerability and give yourself credit for your successes. There is always one person that you will impact when you share and shine. So shine bright! In this episode, we share what happens when imposter syndrome shows up and ways to shine our brightest. If this episode resonated with you, please give us a 5 Star rating and share it with two friends!

April 2023    |    22 min

How to reframe your thoughts to get unstuck

How do you reframe your life experiences so that they support the best version of yourself rather than holding you back? So often, the meaning we put on things is what is in the way of us living our best life. If you want to feel powerful, confident, and connected, listen to today’s episode, where John and Heather share ways to reframe your past, expand your awareness and get unstuck. If this episode resonated with you, please give us a 5 Star rating and share it with two friends! 

March 2023  |    22 min

What meaning are you making?

Have you ever noticed that our brains fill in the blanks when we don’t have all the information we need? As leaders, sometimes the simple ask, “can I see you for a second?” can cause anxiety in a team member, and we don’t even know it. This is because past experiences get pasted on to our current lives, causing personal fears to be activated. Imagine instead filling the meaning with positive outcomes and bringing your best resources of calmness, curiosity and composure to that meeting. In this episode, John & Heather explore ways to be effective communicators as leaders and how to understand how to hack our brains for the best outcome in any situation. 

March 2023    |    21 min

How to balance feminine and masculine energy in the workplace

Why is balancing feminine and masculine energy in the workplace important? When you step into both energies, you permit yourself to be authentic, genuine and a leader others want to follow.
In this episode, Heather and John discuss the impact of being an authentic leader.

March 2023  |    22 min

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