Unlock Your Potential:
Master the Art of Confident Communication

Effective Communication changes your relationships, the way you show up and the impact you leave on others. When you learn the fundamentals of communication, you learn how to stand in your power and the impact you can make on others.

Say YES Masterclass

with Heather Arthur & John Riberio


Boost Your Confidence

Our course will teach you proven techniques for managing your state and speaking with authority, leaving you feeling more confident and capable than ever before.

Expand Your Toolkit

You’ll learn a wide range of strategies for preparing and delivering effective speeches, from identifying your audience to crafting compelling content and nailing your delivery.

Streamline Your Prep

Our course covers everything you need to know about the pre-delivery checklist, including tech backup, room setup, and practice tips so you can focus on delivering a great speech.

Get Expert Feedback

Our course is here to help you every step of the way, providing valuable insights and actionable tips for improving your public speaking skills. Plus, with our intensive format, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice and refine your technique.

If you’ve always wanted to master the art of public speaking or boost your confidence and impact, this is the Masterclass for you!


Don’t let fear and lack of confidence hold you back from achieving your goals and making an impact. Sign up for our course today and transform your communication skills for good!

Transform Your Public Speaking Skills and Captivate Any Audience with Six Proven Lessons!

Lesson 1 State Management: Learn how to manage your state and bring energy to every presentation.

Lesson 2 Content Preparation: We guide you through an effective way of preparing your content.

Lesson 3 Presentation Audit: Learn how to audit your presentation and ensure that it flows smoothly, and evokes the desired emotion and action from your audience.

Lesson 4 Pre-Delivery Checklist: We show you how to create a pre-delivery checklist to ensure that you’re prepared for any technical difficulties that may arise.

Lesson 5 Mastering Presence: We teach you how to master the art of onstage and virtual delivery, from pacing and pausing to eye contact and questioning.

Lesson 6 Capturing Feedback: We guide you through the process of getting feedback from coaches and incorporating that feedback to improve your future communications.

In this course, you’ll not only learn the strategies and techniques of effective speaking, but you’ll also have the opportunity to practice and implement what you’ve learned to achieve true mastery.


This course isn’t just about theory – it’s about action. You’ll get a pre-delivery checklist, tips for getting feedback, and other practical tools that will help you put your new skills into practice and continue to improve over time. With regular practice, you’ll become a master communicator – and that’s something that will pay dividends in every area of your professional life.

Successful people don’t hope things will happen, they make it happen. What are you waiting for?


Get Ready to Say YES
to all of the Scary Sh*t!

Join Heather and John Ribeiro as they help people around the globe learn how In this vibrant podcast, Heather and John explore leadership, personal development and growth ideas and opportunities that will bring positive change to your professional and personal life in this vibrant podcast.

Their mission? To create a global movement encouraging and supporting 1,000,000 people to Say YES to all the scary sh*t!

Why? Because when you say YES, you open new paths and create new opportunities.

Listen on your favourite App!

About Heather Arthur, Founder of More Good Humans

Throughout her executive career, running large organizational and service/sales teams, Heather has witnessed firsthand that one of the biggest factors in any organization's long-term success is focusing on the people and the leaders within. As a certified Neuro-linguistics practitioner, coach and trainer, Heather has guided hundreds of individuals through workshops worldwide, making it possible for participants to achieve their highest potential in life and business.

Heather is a fan of breaking the rules or (at least) bending them a little, and she is often seen working in her Supergirl cape, planning bold and exciting new ideas and helping others uncover their superpowers.

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