A Unique Approach To Shifting Mindsets.

More Good Humans has created unique Value-genic model for lasting change, using the core principles of Neuro-Linguistics, Neuro-Axiological Cognitive Remodeling and Leadership Coaching. Curating the most effective of each of these areas, Heather has created the More Good Humans Model for Change.


Neuro-Linguistics Programming: Neuro-linguistic Programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviours. It helps to replace the thoughts and behaviours that have us “stuck” with more productive, empowering habits and effective strategies.

Axiology: Converting high potential into high performance by becoming aware of and minimizing the behaviours, decisions and habits that undermine your potential, wisdom, ability to learn performance success and happiness.

Performance Breakthroughs: Leadership coaching is the conscious process of developing individuals’ talents and competencies and often centers around effective communication skills, business coaching, and understanding the impact of different leadership styles. All this leading to personal performance breakthroughs.

Click the Model for Change image to learn more about NLP and NCRT.


High-potential future leaders more naturally emerge

Employees become self-motivated to improve and develop themselves.

Stress is decreased, and productivity increases

Absenteeism and turnover decrease while talent attraction and retention go up

Engagement, collaboration and teamwork reach new heights

ROI for learning and development improves

Culture improves while corporate vision, mission and value statements become actualized rather than mere aspirational platitudes

How More Good Humans can benefit your Organization.

Specializing in creating experiences and implementation strategies that will help any organization exceed operational goals through a proven model of mindset transformation, business coaching and experiential training.

  • Ways to create great value in your role or the role of your employees.
  • Rewiring the way people think creates lasting, transformative mindset shifts.
  • Create a more resilient workforce.
  • People first managers, driving peak performance across all areas of your organization.
  • Identify meaningful work, creating more engaged employees and reducing stress.

And there’s more…

increase in self-trust, confidence

I had no idea until I worked with Heather how big of an impact not letting go of beliefs and old ways of thinking was having on my success. In the very first session with Heather, she helped me unblock areas that were no longer serving me and create a path forward. The immediate outcome has been an increase in self-trust, confidence, and my ability to make a greater impact in my business. I highly recommend Heather if you are a leader who knows they can do more in life. Heather is your secret weapon to level up your business and your life.  - Josh Leslie, Founder of Stewardly

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched,

Wow, working with Heather as a co-facilitator for the ThinQSalon program turned out to be amazing. At first, when the notion was simply a glimmer of an idea it seemed risky. However, the idea to develop a learning opportunity where millionaire business owners could advance their businesses turned out to be a gathering that nobody wanted to miss.

High NPS scores and numerous participants praising the programme as impactful and one of the best events they have attended let us know it was a success.

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched, and her dedication to the core values of the program is evident in everything she does. It was a pleasure working with Heather and I highly recommend you work with her if you want to level up your mindset and your business. - Alan Smith, Co-Founder, Strategyzer

I was able to crush my goals

I had the opportunity to participate in the ThinqSalon – a 6-week sprint towards my goals and what an incredible experience. Not only was I able to crush my goals, but I did it with an incredible community of entrepreneurs. It was truly inspiring to be part of this group, and can’t wait for the next six-week sprint to begin! - Kristina Cleary, Founder + Chief Leadership Coach, ACCELLE

thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action

So many stars have aligned since our Masterclass and I just wanted to thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action (even though I had no idea what that looked like). I am still experiencing so many 'connection' and 'ah-ha' moments which I don't know why but it still surprises me. I'm excited to begin a new chapter at work with a recent promotion and continue to increase my belief in myself and welcome all the abundance and money coming my way. Your support and energy made all the difference. - Janice Do Rego, Applications Manager

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