Hi, I’m Heather.

Founder and chief experience officer

Heather Arthur is a fan of breaking rules or at least bending them a little. She is often seen sitting at work, with her supergirl cape on, planning bold and exciting new ideas and helping others uncover their own superpowers.

Throughout her executive career, running large organizational and service/sales teams, Heather has witnessed firsthand that one of the biggest factors in any organization’s long-term success is focusing on the people and the leaders within.

As a certified Neuro-linguistics practitioner, coach and trainer Heather has guided hundreds of individuals through workshops around the world, making it possible for participants to achieve their highest potential in life and business.

Heather is a lifelong learner, and in addition to studying Business Management at the University of Phoenix and Harvard Business School for Executive Education, she is a certified Axiogenics Partner as an NCRT (neuro-axiological cognitive remodelling technology) practitioner.

This is my journey

you can do it too

Heather was recently honoured by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) as Empowered Women of the Year 2022. This distinction and award sit proudly beside her 2020 Top Vice President Award also from IAOTP.

Heather is a world traveller and self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie with a bucket list that will take more than a lifetime to complete. Swimming with sharks, “no problem”, walking on fire,”bring on the heat” and driving a race car, ”let’s do it” are just a few examples of what Heather has already successfully knocked off her bucket list.

Her next adventure is always just around the corner. When she’s not travelling, Heather can be found at home in Toronto, Canada where she is very proud to uphold the title of reigning Boggle Champion in her family.

More about Heather…



My goal in launching More Good Humans is to help organizations uncover the hidden costs of not creating a people-first culture and attracting more good humans to the organization.


Heather was honoured to be featured as EMPOWERED WOMAN OF THE YEAR in the April 2023 Top Industry Professionals magazine, published by IAOTP. 



The Say YES Podcast serves only one purpose: to challenge you to say YES to all the stuff that scares you. When you say YES, you open doors and opportunities you didn’t know you had.

Join Heather and John Ribeiro as they help people around the globe learn how to say YES to the things that scare them.



Heather was honoured by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) as Empowered Women of the Year 2022.

Axiogenics Certified Partner

In 2022, Heather completed her Axiogenics certification training and officially became became an Axiogenics Partner. 



Heather was honoured by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) for Top Vice President in Communications Award in 2021




Heather proudly attended Harvard Business School  Executive Education.


increase in self-trust, confidence

I had no idea until I worked with Heather how big of an impact not letting go of beliefs and old ways of thinking was having on my success. In the very first session with Heather, she helped me unblock areas that were no longer serving me and create a path forward. The immediate outcome has been an increase in self-trust, confidence, and my ability to make a greater impact in my business. I highly recommend Heather if you are a leader who knows they can do more in life. Heather is your secret weapon to level up your business and your life.  - Josh Leslie, Founder of Stewardly

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched,

Wow, working with Heather as a co-facilitator for the ThinQSalon program turned out to be amazing. At first, when the notion was simply a glimmer of an idea it seemed risky. However, the idea to develop a learning opportunity where millionaire business owners could advance their businesses turned out to be a gathering that nobody wanted to miss.

High NPS scores and numerous participants praising the programme as impactful and one of the best events they have attended let us know it was a success.

Heather's skill as a facilitator is unmatched, and her dedication to the core values of the program is evident in everything she does. It was a pleasure working with Heather and I highly recommend you work with her if you want to level up your mindset and your business. - Alan Smith, Co-Founder, Strategyzer

I was able to crush my goals

I had the opportunity to participate in the ThinqSalon – a 6-week sprint towards my goals and what an incredible experience. Not only was I able to crush my goals, but I did it with an incredible community of entrepreneurs. It was truly inspiring to be part of this group, and can’t wait for the next six-week sprint to begin! - Kristina Cleary, Founder + Chief Leadership Coach, ACCELLE

thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action

So many stars have aligned since our Masterclass and I just wanted to thank you for giving me the confidence and support I needed to take action (even though I had no idea what that looked like). I am still experiencing so many 'connection' and 'ah-ha' moments which I don't know why but it still surprises me. I'm excited to begin a new chapter at work with a recent promotion and continue to increase my belief in myself and welcome all the abundance and money coming my way. Your support and energy made all the difference. - Janice Do Rego, Applications Manager

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